12/8: We are Challenging The University's Violation of Federal Labor Law

Yesterday, when the New School sent certification of work forms to part-time faculty and other members of the university community, we believe that the University broke the law.

The University’s negotiation team violated federal labor law in two different ways.

  1. The New School’s negotiations team bargained in bad faith by unilaterally implementing this new requirement without bargaining over it.

  2. The school’s negotiations team is interfering with, restraining, and coercing part-time faculty in the rights guaranteed them under the Act by using this certification form to poll members concerning their current, and ongoing, participation in the strike.

Rather than offer the part-time faculty a fair deal, the University negotiations team has stooped to a new low to try to break us. Rather than set an example for other employers to follow, the university has demonstrated exactly what not to do.

The bargaining committee has filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board in response to the University’s actions, and intends to pursue the charge until the university stops violating labor law. 

The bargaining committee is disappointed that part-time faculty now not only need to strike to win a fair contract, but also in an effort to get the university to stop violating our rights.

We are on strike for a fair contract.

We are on strike to bring an end to the University’s Unfair Labor Practices.

Don't Complete the University's Certification Form

The University’s form is illegal. Ignore it.

Upcoming Events

Mediation / Bargaining Caucus

Today (12/8) 2:15pm onwards

Membership Meeting 

Tonight 8pm

Check your email or WhatsApp for the Zoom links.

This Week’s Picket Schedule

Mon - Fri 12pm - 3pm ET at the University Center

63 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003


12/9: Progress, But No Deal Yet. The Strike Continues!


12/7: Day 22 Update & Ignore the Attestation Form