Contract Proposal, Article 36
Tuition Benefits
This proposal is about making the university’s tuition benefit for faculty and our family members’ more fair. Committee members propose:
Expanding access to tuition benefits for part-time faculty and their immediate family by allowing faculty to bank tuition benefits on a course-by-course basis for up to 6 years. Currently, faculty can only bank tuition-free courses for up to 1 year.
Ensure that faculty have the right to take at a minimum 2 tuition-free courses per semester. (The same as full-time faculty.)
Ensure that faculty members’ children can take a regular, full-time course load tuition free. (Same as full-time faculty members’ children.)
Providing greater access to courses by allowing faculty to register at the same time as other students in their degree or certificate program while allowing faculty not enrolled in a degree or certificate program to audit a class, at the discretion of the other faculty member.